
Wednesday 7 November 2012

Counseling and Counselors in Melbourne

Melbourne counseling is an excellent method for engaging in anxiety recovery. But, even though counseling is not scary and can provide things that other professions cannot, what exactly are the benefits of counseling? The primary benefit of Melbourne counseling is that it gives a person a safe and secure place to talk to another person, and counselors are trained to be able to listen to and understand anything, no matter how strange or unusual it may seem at first. All human beings need a safe and secure place where they can talk open and freely to another person without fear of being judged, and most people, let alone anxiety-sufferers, have nowhere like this to go. Women tend to find a relationship like this much easier than men, and for men, in most cases their spouse serves as their sounding board. Having somewhere where one can go without fear of being judged releases an incredible amount of emotional pressure and stress, which allows the person to be happier and more relaxed; this goes for all people, and doubly so for anxiety sufferers. The next benefit of Melbourne counseling is that it places a high value on the worth of the individual. When a person first enters a Melbourne counseling session, he or she is praised for having the courage to seek help. During Melbourne counseling, the counselor helps the anxiety sufferer to select a method to use to help recover from anxiety such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or any of a variety of other techniques. Melbourne Counselors may present other techniques to the client, but the client has the ultimate say of which technique he or she feels works best for him or her. Finally, the client works with the Melbourne counselor to establish reasonable goals that he or she wants to attain from counseling. In sum, counseling makes it all about the client, while the counselor does his or her best to help the client reach his or her goals. For many, including anxiety-sufferers, being in the position to make significant choices over their own well-being is a new experience, and can be very empowering when the process is nearing its end. Effective Melbourne counseling is a two way street. It takes a cooperative effort by both the person receiving counseling and the Melbourne counselor. And it takes a commitment to make sometimes difficult changes in behavior or thinking patterns. What you expect to achieve with your Melbourne counselor should be clearly defined as you begin your counseling. You and your counselor should discuss realistic time frames for reaching your goals and agree on how you will measure your progress. It’s important that you and your Melbourne counselor establish a good relationship that allows you to be completely honest about your thoughts and feelings. Often, this requires an elusive “chemistry” between both of you in which you feel comfortable with your counselor’s personality, approach and style. If after the first few sessions you don’t feel this chemistry, look for another counselor with whom you feel more comfortable. You can determine whether your work with your counselor is effective if you begin to obtain insights about your own thoughts and behaviors that may have eluded you before. Melbourne Counsellor | Melbourne Counseling

Couple Counseling and Therapy

A couple counseling in Melbourne is a form of relationship counseling which is addressed specifically at people who are involved in romantic relationships. Both married and unmarried couples may seek couples counseling in Melbourne, and there are a number of approaches to couples counseling in Melbourne. Many communities have listings of counseling services which may include couples counselors, and people seeking counseling can also ask for referrals from doctors, regular therapists, and clergy members. The goal of couples counseling in Melbourne is to understand the relationship dynamic of the couple, and to identify areas of strain and frustration which add stress to the partnership. In a series of counseling sessions which often include private as well as group sessions, the couple can explore their perception of the relationship, their expectations of each other, and the situations which may be causing them to feel alienated from each other. The counselor acts as a mediator and facilitator to keep discussions on track and to guide the conversation to specific points. Couples counseling in Melbourne require work from both parties. While one person may initiate the counseling sessions, without cooperation from everyone involved, the counseling will not be very productive. It can also require a lot of effort, and while this effort can be rewarding, it can be very frustrating while counseling is in progress. Committing to finishing a set series before deciding to give up on couples counseling is a very good idea, as couples often find that once they reach the mutually-agreed finishing point, they want to continue with the counseling. Couple therapy in Melbourne is a means of resolving problems and conflicts that couples have not been able to handle effectively on their own. It involves both partners sitting down with a trained professional to discuss their thoughts and feelings. The aim of Couple therapy in Melbourne is to help them gain a better understanding of themselves and their partner, to decide if they need and want to make changes, and if so, to help them to do so. People seek couple therapy in Melbourne for a range of problems and every couple is different. Some of the most common complaints include lack of communication, frequent or constant arguments, unfulfilled emotional needs, financial concerns and conflicts about children. You may be wondering why these problems sound like common issues that many couples resolve without professional help. Couples often seek help not because their problems are different from those of other couples, but because they are unable to resolve them. Sometimes, this is because of a buildup of frustration and disappointment over time, sometimes be-cause there is some other issue or meaning underlying the conflict. Other couples seek help as a result of a crisis in the relationship, such as an affair or apparent loss of affection and caring, or a traumatic event, such as an illness or loss in the family. Once the couple enters therapy, the therapist's interpretation of issues may offer the couple a new perspective, which permits a change in feelings and behavior. The therapist in Couple therapy in Melbourne may act as a mediator, attempting to clear up misunderstandings in communication. This is often difficult for people to do themselves because they are emotionally caught up in the situation. The therapist may also help the partners consider alternative ways of handling problematic situations. Couple Counselling Melbourne | Couples Therapy Melbourne

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Holistic and Transpersonal Counseling

Holistic counseling Melbourne is an integrative approach to counseling drawing on a range of theories and techniques and considerate of all aspects of a person’s being e.g. mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social aspects. Holistic counseling Melbourne is based on a person-centered approach which holds the belief that everyone carries within them the ability to make decisions and resolve issues in a way most relevant to their unique personal circumstances. The holistic counseling Melbourne provides support and guidance for exploration and discovery, offering you an opportunity to explore your circumstances and your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, hopes and desires and discover your own resourcefulness for initiating change and healing. The primary focus is on the here and now, that is, what you are experiencing in the present moment in relation to your current challenges. Holistic counseling Melbourne looks to your whole being and well-being rather than just focusing a particular physical, mental or emotional state. As individuals, we all have different responses to stressful situation such as insomnia or headaches, feeling frustrated and angry or even experiencing depression or losing our zest for life. In some case, we might feel lost or that we no longer have control over our lives, or that we are somehow victims of external circumstances. The benefits of holistic counseling Melbourne include feeling self-empowered; being able to take responsibility for your feeling and actions; becoming more accepting of yourself; and having the courage to change your life. Holistic counseling may also involve stress management techniques, listening and communication skills, relaxation exercises, and even meditation and hypnotherapy to assist you in realizing our full potential in all aspects of your life. In all cases, however, the purpose of holistic counseling is to enable you to experience life with greater joy and self-awareness. Transpersonal Counseling is a holistic, client-centered approach that uses a vast array of techniques to help individuals contact their deep inner wisdom and new personal resources. While other psychological approaches focus on the mind as a tool for change, the transpersonal Counseling spans across mind, body and spirit to move towards a deep sense of personal wholeness and expanded possibilities. Transpersonal Counseling is effective modalities for attending to many of the challenges that we face in life, from the subtle to the severe. Examples of these challenges can be listed as, but not limited to making life-changing decisions, Identity crises, Major life transitions, Feelings of being stuck, lost or on the verge of something, Relationship troubles, Feeling sad all the time / angry all the time, Chronic or acute fear, Depression and anxiety, Feeling like there’s something stirring inside you that is important and you want to know more about it, Feeling overwhelmed, Irrational or ‘triggered’ responses to people or situations, Debilitating personal habits such as procrastination or self-sabotage and many more. Transpersonal Counseling is often seen as a short-term process that can be accessed on a sessional basis and can be either a platform upon which a client can talk out problems and arrive at a sense of personal clarity; or it can be directed toward solution-focused results. Holistic Counselling Melbourne | Transpersonal Counselling

Melbourne Counselors

There are different counselors providing different types of counseling in Melbourne like School counselors in Melbourne at all levels help students to understand and deal with social, behavioral, and personal problems. These counselors emphasize preventive and developmental counseling to enhance students' personal, social, and academic growth and to provide students with the life skills needed to deal with problems before they worsen. Vocational counselors, also called employment counselors or career counselors, usually provide career counseling outside the school setting. Rehabilitation counselors help people deal with the personal, social, and vocational effects of disabilities. They counsel people with both physical and emotional disabilities resulting from birth defects, illness or disease, accidents, or other causes. They evaluate the strengths and limitations of individuals, provide personal and vocational counseling, offer case management support, and arrange for medical care, vocational training, and job placement.
A counselor in Melbourne is a person who has been professionally trained to talk you through a variety of problems. Issues you might discuss with a counselor in Melbourne include building up your confidence, bullying, family and relationship issues, school/work problems and troubles with alcohol or drugs. If necessary, a counselor in Melbourne might refer you to a therapist in Melbourne who can help you with your specific problems. The counselor in Melbourne helps you to resolve your problems in a positive way by helping you to clarify the issues, explore options, develop strategies and increase self-awareness. Everything you discuss with the counselor in Melbourne is confidential, except in a small number of specific cases, such as where the counselor is required by law to report a crime. Anyone who is struggling with a personal concern can seek counseling. Common personal concerns include relationship difficulties, grief, difficult life circumstances, anxiety and depression. Melbourne Counselors bring about change in numerous ways, not just with the 'talking cure', some use Voice, Gesture, Posture, Role play, Writing, Art materials, etc. Many work on your dreams. However, this abundance of different styles, orientations, or models of counseling largely fit in the following broad groupings.
A Melbourne counselor can help you identify your problems and assist you in finding the best ways to cope with the situation by changing behaviors that contribute to the problem or by finding constructive ways to deal with a situation that is beyond your personal control. Melbourne Counselors offer help in addressing many situations that cause emotional stress, including, but not limited to anxiety, depression, and other mental and emotional problems and disorders, family and relationship issues, substance abuse and other addictions, sexual abuse and domestic violence, eating disorders, career change and job stress, social and emotional difficulties related to disability and illness, adopting to life transitions and the death of a loved one. Melbourne Counselors work with individuals, families, groups and organizations. Melbourne Counselors help clients identify goals and potential solutions to problems which cause emotional turmoil; seek to improve communication and coping skills; strengthen self-esteem; and promote behavior change and optimal mental health. Counsellors in Melbourne

Thursday 6 September 2012

Transpersonal Counseling

Transpersonal counseling promotes the growth of both the person and the person's spirit (or transpersonal Self) with a particular focus on finding solutions to immediate life problems. Job-related or career dilemmas family conflicts and educational problems are all issues that benefit from transpersonal counseling. But perhaps the problems that benefit the most are spiritual conflicts or crises, cultural disassociations, the inability of individuals to express themselves creatively, or situations that bring deep sadness. In most of these cases, individuals feel emotionally disconnected from life. Liberating oneself from these impediments happens through self-realization – a pathway facilitated by transpersonal counseling. Transpersonal counseling is focused self-exploration. Unlike other forms of psychodynamic therapy, however, the transpersonal discussion includes patients' spiritual feelings and experiences. And while behavior-based therapies focus more on changing negative thoughts and emotions, transpersonal counselors work to help patients uncover their hidden beliefs about life, beliefs that are often limiting or self-defeating. Avoiding the tendency to define patients by their diagnoses, or to “pathologize” them, transpersonal counselors in Melbourne consider individual problems as only one aspect of a whole human being. Patients are regarded as spiritual beings in physical bodies.

Counselors in Melbourne work with a variety of clients to help them overcome various psychological and behavioral issues. Using talk therapy (commonly referred to as psycho therapy) counselors provide counseling to a selected group of people. Often, counselors in Melbourne work within hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Their focus here can be as varied as the patients that come in on a daily basis. Some might work directly with people facing terminal illness or life changing procedures, while others might focus on people who are struggling to overcome a substance abuse addiction. Still other counselors in Melbourne work solely with people whose hospital stay is related to mental illness. Another group of Counselors in Melbourne works within elementary, high school and university settings. Working one on one with students (and occasionally parents and teachers, as well) these counselors tackle the underlying reasons behind why students are acting out, getting poor grades, or are suddenly acting withdrawn or out of character. Counselors often uncover physical and sexual abuse in the home, learning disabilities, and gifted children. Finally, there is yet another group of counselors that work in private practice. Among these Counselors in Melbourne clients are families looking to resolve issues within the home, newlywed couples trying to meld two sets of step siblings under one roof for the first time, divorced people looking to rebuild their lives, and people looking for career guidance after losing a job or graduating school. Additionally, some counselors specialize in certain areas—including eating disorders, sexual addiction, anxiety and depression, and grief counseling. Finding the right counselor in Melbourne comes down to knowing your specific needs; as well as the counselor’s area of expertise. Don’t be afraid to ask questions before you make a decision on which counselor is best for you. Among the things to consider when narrowing down your choices are the length of time a particular counselor has been practicing, what his record is like, and whether or not they are physically close enough for you to viably see them on a regular basis.

Counselors and Therapists

The counselor must be likable and exhibit interpersonal skills; he must be flexible and able to meet individual needs by providing person-specific attention and be available for multiple sessions. Counselors in Melbourne must have something very applied and concrete to offer and he should exhibit a caring attitude. A counselor in Melbourne must attempt to facilitate a client to solve their own problems yet demonstrate a genuine concern and compassion for the client’s dilemmas.

The counselor in Melbourne must individualize interaction depending on client’s personality type. For example, does the client seem more introverted or extroverted, does the client seem to talk more logically or emotionally, and does the client seem more cautious or compulsive. Initially the counselor in Melbourne can listen and at appropriate times reflect by restating or rephrasing what the client had expressed. This serves two purposes. First it allows the client to feel he is being heard. And secondly, it allows for any misunderstandings to be identified and corrected. When the counselor in Melbourne feels he understands the just of what the client is communicating, the counselor can proceed with questions. These questions can pertain to feelings, thoughts, beliefs, expectations, past experiences, preferences, or other details relating to the issue. The client may express a goal they wish to achieve. The counselor and the client may want to explore the ultimate objective behind the goal. They may explore other options in addressing the ultimate objective and the real issues behind the desired goal.

Therapists in Melbourne have all been trained to work with children and families who have experienced problems with behavior, emotional well-being or problems getting along with others. Therapist in Melbourne is trained in the practice of therapy. The role of a therapist in Melbourne is to work with a client to help them achieve a fulfilled and satisfied state in life through the use of "purposeful activity or interventions designed to achieve functional outcomes which promote health, prevent injury or disability and which develop, improve, sustain or restore the highest possible level of independence. Therapists in Melbourne work with individuals who have conditions like mentally, physically, developmentally, socially or emotionally disabling. Therapist in Melbourne also helps them to develop, recover, or maintain daily living and work skills. The different kinds of therapists in Melbourne include:
Psychologists are trained to understand how children (and adults) think and learn. They understand the kinds of things that might stop you from getting on well in school or at home.

Social workers
Social workers are trained to be good at understanding when things go wrong in families. They have an extra responsibility for protecting children from harm.

Psychiatrists are first trained as doctors in physical health like your GP, where they help with what might be wrong with your body. Once they have trained in this way they then go on to train how to understand more about children's emotions and behavior and what can go wrong when children are not coping.

Family Therapists
Family therapists train in working with whole families or bits of families. They often work in teams. This can be especially helpful when trying to understand more than one side of a problem.

Child Psychotherapists
Child Psychotherapists train for a long time to understand children. Because they understand children so well they are good at figuring out how children's problems develop over time. They can work with families, but often they will work with a child on their own. They usually see children regularly to build up a relationship so that a child gets a better understanding of where things went wrong for them.
Melbourne Counselor | Melbourne Therapists

Thursday 9 August 2012

Therapists and Counselors

Therapists in Melbourne can be helpful in getting you over many of the bumps in the road of life. Sometimes you need to see a therapist in Melbourne for just a few weeks, while other times you might need to talk once or twice a week for several years. The goal of any therapist in Melbourne is to help you solve your own problems and give you the skills you need to combat those problems on your own in the future. Therapists in Melbourne are specially trained to deal with a broad range of issues. Although therapists in Melbourne are paid professionals, most become therapists because they want to help people. So even though you know that you are talking with someone who gets paid to help you, rest assured that your therapist really does want to help you feel better. Counselors in Melbourne Encourage clients to express their feelings and discuss what is happening in their lives, and help them to develop insight into themselves and their relationships. Counselor in Melbourne work with individuals and groups to promote optimum mental health. Counselors in Melbourne may help individuals deal with addictions and substance abuse; family, parenting and marital problems; suicide and stress management, problems with self esteem, and issues associated with aging and mental and emotional health. Counselor in Melbourne counsel clients and patients, individuals and in group sessions, to assist in overcoming dependencies, adjusting to life and making changes. They guide clients in the development of skills and strategies for dealing with their problems.
Melbourne Therapist | Melbourne Counsellors